MLS # | L3589799 |
Ane konstriksyon | 1938 |
Kalite gaz | Gaz Natirèl |
Tren (LIRR) | 0.9 mil pou "Rosedale" |
1.4 mil pou "Laurelton" | |
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Opòtinite premye lokal komèsyal nan Valley Stream ak vizibilite enkwayab! Pozisyone biznis ou devan yon enpresyonan 15,000 chofè chak jou, asire ekspozisyon kontinyèl. Kote sa a ofri anpil devan fenèt, ideyal pou atire kliyan ak kreye ekspozisyon ki atire atansyon. Sitiye nan yon zòn ki gen gwo sikilasyon, antoure pa yon katye ki anflan, espas sa a pafè pou détaillants oswa biznis oryante sou sèvis ki vle fè yon gwo enpak. Pa rate chans pou achte yon espas de kalite pou leve nivo mak ou epi rive nan dè milye chak jou!
Prime storefront opportunity in Valley Stream with incredible visibility! Position your business in front of an impressive 15,000 daily drivers, ensuring constant exposure. This location offers ample window frontage, ideal for attracting clients and creating eye-catching displays. Situated in a high-traffic area surrounded by a thriving neighborhood, this space is perfect for retailers, or service-oriented businesses looking to make a big impact. Don't miss out on securing a premium spot to elevate your brand and reach thousands every day! © 2024 OneKey™ MLS, LLC